February 2, 2017- So sorry I forgot this section is here. I just sent out my second newsletter. If you haven't subscribed, please do it now! :D
Obviously I don't update this. Go to my BLOG for updates.
March 17, 2016 - Happy St. Patrick's Day! I am currently trying to work "The PLAN." What is the PLAN, you ask? …
The PLAN consists of:
1. Silent Sundays. I might post about my pets or pictures of things I like, but generally Sundays will be quiet. And you always have Sundays With Sam-I-Am on 2 boys in Love to keep you busy reading :)
2. Monday Movies. Are for talking about my favorite movies and actors and stuff. I don't watch loads of things anymore because I lack time, but I'm sure I can come up with something now and then.
3. Tuesday teasers. I will post a review or an excerpt from one of my books. I don’t have all that many publications so I will have to get creative with that. Maybe I'll posts teasers of other people's books too. (I think ZAM does that!)
4. What's up? Wednesdays. What's up with that? All because I can't plan things well, this leaves a day for no plan at all.
5. Throwback Thursday. Re-postings of post from years ago for those who missed some.
6. Friend Fridays. It is going to be back on!!! If you are interested in posting on a Friday, let me know. We start THIS Friday with new author Tyler Cook.
7. Saturday Songs. I'll post videos and talk about music that I like :)
PLUS, I am writing!!! JOCK 2 is coming along well. No! Jocks Don't Date Guys 69% complete as compared with my word-count goal.
March 8 - I have just finished the weekend at the Dreamspinner Author's workshop. I have to say it was extremely informative and educational and I hope to implement the things I learned in order to create my own brand and market myself better. My goals include managing my time more efficiently.
February 17 - Currently writing. Cover reveal for the new cover of NAMES.
February 12, 2015 - Currently I am writing. My blog is on hold.
January 27, 2015 - New Year. I rarely post here, but it is a good place to come for little snapshots. My main update arena is my BLOG. I am currently updating my website. It is messy. :/ Misplaced Affection is out. Reviewers seem to like it. Readers who review seem to like it. I do have to apologize for the original version that had about 10 errors. I updated it on Jan 6th, and then again on Jan 22. The current "third" edition has spelling corrections. I HOPE it is cleaner now.
December 11, 2014 - Apparently I can't keep this tab up to date. Sorry. I guess I normally BLOG about all things Wade Kelly. Misplaced Affection is off and running. I formatted files for the past couple days and it is uploaded. Create Space had issues with my cover so I need to adjust it. iTunes went up for pre-order last night and Kobo this morning. My big cover reveal is Dec 12th so I will have SOME pre-order links to share. I'll post my cover on here tomorrow. Next project? Well, the funny book with the hygienist is in my head, but so ALSO is Corey Parrish gibbering in my ear. I might have to write about Corey. I know you all want to see him get a happy ending. Except, he might have to go through some fire first.
8/31/14 - PERSONAL CRAP GETTING ME DOWN. Maybe I need to write some pain to let it out.
8/28/14 - Sorry, I forgot about updating here. this is from my blog about my TOUR of NAMES, with links to reviews and blog posts:Joyfully Jay - August 4th - WHY THIS TITLE, WHY THIS BOOK? I talk about my inspiration for this book and how I wanted the readers to think about and consider how words or labels can hurt. I also have to point out that Joyfully Jay blew me away with a 5 star review. I DO NOT think they give 5 stars out easily. Sammy (the reviewer) really seemed to get my intent and I have never met her or talked to her. But still, she got me! If something just didn't rub you right about my book, read her review and maybe it will explain why. Just a thought.
Prism Book Alliance - August 7th - 10 "Interesting" Things About Wade Kelly. Are they interesting? IDK. You tell me.
The Blogger Girls - August 11th - A LONG TIME COMING. I talk about why this book took forever to get out there. But I also relate to the readers how it took Nick a long time to understand and realize that he was a bully in school by not standing up for those who needed defending. A bully by observation if not in action. Morgan gave me a 4.5 star review. Never Met Morgan but I am so happy she liked it! (This came out ON release day along with Jeff's review.)
Rainbow Book Reviews - Not exactly a "stop" in the blog tour, but Lena reviewed NAMES and at that point I think I only had two out there. Lena also does NOT give 5 stars lightly so I was truly excited to see she really liked my book.
The Smoocher's Voice - August 13 - Jodi interviews me about NAMES but also my other books and my inspiration for writing gay romance.
The Novel Approach - August 14th - Invoking an Emotional Response - YES, that's me! I want to push readers to FEEL. And apparently I did when Jackie reviewed the book and gave it 5 stars.
Jeff&Will - August 16 - Jeff is a friend and therefore came up with some interesting questions to do for an INTERVIEW! He also gave me a fabulous review! 5 stars. And tells readers I wrote a wonderful book and how much he enjoyed the internal dialogue of my character.
August 17th was a live Facebook chat which was interesting. Keeping up with questions and posts on a live chat "WALL" was very difficult. Unlike a "group chat", I had to refresh the screen every two seconds to even know someone left a comment. each response was in a different "NESTED" line and finding the commenter was a challenge. I did it! I chatted. But it was harder than I imagined it to be.
GGR Review - August 20th - Scott Burkett did an amazing review as well as hosting me as a guest blogger. Not only did he give NAMES 5 stars, but also mentioned how MY BOOK would be a good resource to young people who are trying to sort out their sexuality. He has a category on his blog for "Misfits" recommendations and I highly suggest you visit that page. (I own all those books so far.) In my guest blog spot I talk about POV and why I write in 1st and 3rd depending on the book. Scott liked how I wrote NAMES in 1st person so I talk about the challenges in doing that.
Multitasking Momma - August 22nd - I wrote about how I wrote about memories of my dad. Often, writing is the best way for me to get out how I feel about things. JP was kind enough to host me as a guest blogger AND give me a review! JP has loved my books int he past, but it wasn't guaranteed she'd like this one. Well, she did. :) Guest Blog post: I talked about. And her REVIEW came with a warning: Readers beware, you may fall in love with the unlikeliest of heroes.
Rainbow Gold Reviews - August 25th - Hosted me and I thought I'd talk about The Wade Kelly Special and my angst scale. The angst scale is very important for readers to know about because I tend to write all over the pain scale. I write funny books and I write serious books. NAMES is in the middle of the scale. Refer to it often when considering what you want to read next.
Tammy Middleton - August 26th - Tams hosted me on a stop, as well as reviewed my book. I talked about my inspiration to write and how I keep that "spark" going. Music is the key for me. I didn't know that Tams reviews for Portia De Moncur on MM Good Book Reviews. That was cool. I met Portia at GRL last year :) Again, another 5 stars.
Joyfully Jay - August 27th - Back to where I started with Jay! I talk about my blog tour experience as well as my CON experiences over the past year. GRL was where I began last year because it was my first con ever, and now I look forward to going there again in October.
7/19/14 - NAMES comes out Aug 11th. I do a blog tour starting Aug 4th. Tomorrow, July 20th, I will be doing an online chat on FB with RGR in celebration of PRIDE.
4/2/14 - Sorry. I have been negligent in updating on this page. I normally update on my BLOG. I am currently writing Misplaced Affection and awaiting the first stage of edits for Names Can Never Hurt Me. Cover Art for NAMES is coming soon!
1-10-14 - My Roommate's Jock? Well, Crap! took 3rd place in the 2013 M/M Romance Reader's Choice Awards on Goodreads for Best Humorous, and also for Best Athletes. YAY!!! I like knowing I can be funny. Also, my current WIP (Work In Progress) is at 25k. Misplaced Affection will most likely be the next book I finish and submit. I am also writing the sequel to NAMES as the muse strikes. Only Skin Deep will be the second in the series I am calling "Self Esteem". I will wait a little bit to release the blurb and tell you who the book is about until after the release of the first one. The MC needs to remain a secret for now. ;) BUT, I think you are going to like him!
12/9/13- signed contract for Names Can Never Hurt Me
12/8/13 - My Roommate's Jock? Well, Crap! took 3rd place in the 2013 Rainbow Awards for Best LGBT Romantic Comedy. And it is permanently listed on the Dreamspinner page for Winners HERE.
11/14/13 - currently working on Misplaced Affection. WIP manuscript stands at 11,684 words currently. Yesterday I made the "big announcement" that I am Linda Reilly. (Or was.) I updated my website and my published works under that name are listed in "other publications". I am undecided to whether or not I should continue under that name for my paranormal stuff and keep Wade purely contemporary. Or just move forward with all genres under the name Wade Kelly. I AM WADE KELLY. People know me by that name. I can't see promoting TWO pen names. Seems ridiculous. And once I get the paranormal stuff written and published, the other name (Linda) will be superfluous. So. Wade it is! If you haven't read my older stuff, feel free. It is funny. Not as funny as JOCK, but still a good chuckle. :)
11/3/13 - Names Can Never Hurt Me was submitted. Fingers crossed they like it. It can take up to 8 weeks to hear back.
10/31/13 - WOW. LONG time between posts. Sorry. Um, news? My Roommate's a Jock? Well, Crap! is up for a Rainbow Award for best LGBT romantic comedy. Those awards are announced December 5 or 6 or something. IDK. I am a FINALIST that is all I know. I am very happy about that! It is amazing to me Jock has done this well. I finished the manuscript for Names Can Never Hurt Me. It is 117, 382 words and is getting Beta read as we speak. I'll submit it soon. I am working on a new project Misplaced Affection. (see description in WIP)
9/2/13 - TCOL is #11 on Dreamspinner Best Seller List! TCOL was reviewed on: Multitaskingmomma gets her head out of the oven, The Novel Approach, Rainbow Book Reviews, Joyfully Jay, Mrs. Condit Reads, and Amos Lassen.
8/21/13 - I submitted TCOL to the Rainbow Awards. Steep competition so I doubt I'll win anything, but it is good to try. TCOL hit #5 on Amazon's list of Best Sellers, although it has dropped again. (Rollercoaster ride.) and has not gotten higher than #19 on DSP. But that's okay. It is lingering at the top, so that means sales are still happening. :)
I am currently trying to get the first draft done of Names Can Never Hurt Me. It is at approx 71k and writing is going strong. I seriously want to finish the 1st draft, edit it a couple times and hopefully submit the MS to Dreamspinner by GRL in October. Fingers crossed.
8/17/13 - As of 6:22 am, The Cost of Loving was #20 in the Dreamspinner Best Seller List! Amazing to me to have broken into the best sellers in just one day! TCOL is #28 on Amazon’s Best Sellers List for Best Gay Romance, and ranked #24 on the List for Hot New Releases. My fans ARE AWESOME!!!!
8/16/13 - The Cost of Loving is finally released. I hope you enjoy it!
8/4/13 - I'm trying to live my life for the first time in years without fear. Will I be accepted by everyone? No. Will I stop writing because there are some people who will not understand why I write what I do? Um, no. I feel I have a purpose. I can not help those who are too narrow-minded to see the need to give hope to the world. I intend on touching people one reader at a time! ... NOTE: Tomorrow I'm blogging a "contest". Although I may stick it up later tonight so that it may feed to Goodreads by Monday. Laterz!
7/22/13 - I HAVE a release date for TCOL!! woot, woot! August 16, 2013. It is coming up people! Also, I am currently working on NCNHM. I wrote over 6k this weekend and I hope to finish this one in August or early September. (remember 60k is "novel length".) I would like to have submitted it BEFORE I go to GRL! Wouldn't it be cool to have a contract on it before October 17th? I think so! Fingers crossed.
7/13/13 - I guess I have been blogging all my news so check there. I should have a release date for TCOL within the week. :) YAY!
5/16/13 - I blogged again. I'm letting you know some stages of "editing" incase that is interesting to you. Music playlist for TCOL. Stuff in general. Enjoy! Basically, Stage one was due yesterday and I am very confident and excited. I think TCOL might turn out to be better than WLINE.
5/1/13 - The editing process has begun. Working on "blurb" documents and "front matter" for the book. I am trying to write other books as I work on TCOL. :)
4/10/13 - currently collecting questions to do a reader/fan fueled interview. Read this blog:
4/5/13 - Writing Love, Trust, and Learning to Live Again. (LTLTA/ Darian's tale) It is currently at 21k + some words on other docs so I am not completely sure of the words count right now. It is coming along! Don't worry.
3/19/13 - I signed a contract with Dreamspinner Press to publish The Cost of Loving. It is slated for Aug/Sept. *Fingers crossed! The sooner the better. Plus, I sooooo want to write and submit book 3 soon. Fingers crossed I get that done!
3-6-13 - I have a PINTEREST! Waiting to hear back about TCOL. Currently writing Names Can Never Hurt Me.
2-18-13 - Waiting to hear back about TCOL. Currently writing Names Can Never Hurt Me.
2-13-13 - Release of anthology 50 Gays Of Shade for which I wrote a short story about Matt and Darian.
2-11-13 - Finished MS for TCOL. update on publishing status coming soon.
1/31/13 - "Jock" was #1 on DSP bestsellers list for 24 days. Today it is #2. It is #11 on Amazon, and #8 on the best sellers list on ARe. The Cost of Loving is coming along, and I HOPE to have a finished product soon. I'm on chapter 26 in rewrites.
1/21/13 - "Jock" is still #1 on DSP. two full weeks now. #1 on Amazon in gay fiction for 12 days! I am on page 260/332 for my first phase of edits on TCOL. I hope to be done that stage by the end of the week. Then I will rewrite content and condense chapters.
1/13/13 - "Jock" is still #1 on Dreamspinner press. This is the 7th day in a row! It is also #1 on for the 4th day in a row! It has also been #2 in Germany and the UK for a few days! This is thrilling for me! I continue to edit TCOL. I haven't gotten as far as I would like, but yesterday I DID come up with some scenes to write and replace the ones I need to cut. I'm learning to simplify plot. Although, I have to say I don't think TCOL is "simple" by any means". I appreciate fans being patient and sending me so many notes of encouragement! Thank you!
1/7/13 - "Jock" is #1 on Dreamspinner Press!
1/6/13 - "Jock" is #2 on Dreamspinner Press's bestseller page! A great personal accomplishment! I'm very happy with that. It also reached #1 on AReBooks for best selling gay fiction. It sat at #7 on Amazon's "best selling gay fiction" for most of today so that is also pretty amazing! I am editing as fast as I can to deliver a good product to you all in The Cost of Loving. I thank ALL my readers for their encouragement and support!
1/3/13 - I blogged. "Jock" is #4 on DSP and #20 on Amazon! I am in the process of editing and rewriting TCOL.
1/2/13 - My Roommate's a Jock has made it to #8 on Dreamspinner Press' Bestseller list!
12/29/12 - Blogged about editing. ( Starting HARD edits on TCOL (The Cost of Loving) 332 pages! so far I did 1/332. :p
12/17/12 - rewriting TCOL. *Booo!... And in 14 days MRJWC will be released! YAY!
12/3/12 - I got the release date for My Roommate's a Jock! officially December 31, 2012! It's like a new year's present! here is the link:
11/26/12- WAY too much going on. Editing the third round of My Roommate's a Jock? Well, Crap! (MRJWC) *Should be easy and this might be the last time. Got my FIRST cover image for MRJWC-looks great! Art by Anne Cain!!! I am undergoing edits on The Cost of Loving (TCOL) but I have loads more grammar errors than in MRJWC and it is taking a long time to get through. I have NO TIME to write because of all that so NCNHM is sitting still :(
11/10/12 - I'm writing. I wrote 2,333 words yesterday for Names Can Never Hurt Me. (NCNHM) I am also waiting on the second round of edits for My Roommate's a Jock. The Cost of Loving IS with my editor, but she is going slower than I desire. I don't want to think of that one coming out AFTER the first of the year, so I am still crossing my fingers.
10/25/12 - Editor is pushing through TCOL. Yesterday 50/ 368 pages done. So that is something! Plus, I'm writing. I'm okay. Blah, but I'll deal. :)
10/15/12 - I now have a twitter account. Lord help you all if I get addicted to posting! (
10/2/12 - Sorry it has been a few weeks. I've been busy. Now, I'm rewriting Names Can Never Hurt Me into 1st POV instead of third. Not a whole lot going on but this week is goingt o be a big week. I can feel it!
9/19/12 - Shades of an Untamed Heart accepted! I'm working on taxation and registering a "business name". Looking into copyright laws, and writing! Busy me! Read my BLOG for an update on everything.
9/3/12 - I seriously love the cover of TCOL! I don't want to reveal it yet until it's official but I think it's awesome!
9/1/12 - I am working on creating an author page on the url is: My editor has my MS and is going to give it a good once-over! And my graphic designer is working on the cover of TCOL. Good times!!
8/30/12 -I am officially going SELF PUB on The Cost of Loving! Scary :\
8/29/12 - TCOL rejected for the third time!!
8/27/12 - My WIP "Names Can Never Hurt Me" is up to 5518 words! I wrote over 2500 today!
8/23/12 - I have a paypal account now! >> [email protected] << SOOOO, if you ever wanted to donate money to my friend 'k', feel free to use it :) Also on other news I'M WRITING!!!!! over 1000 added to the third book in the trilogy. Love, Trust, and Learning to Live Again. (LTLTA) I finished the short BDSM for the anthology 50 Gays of Shade. Going to submit it soon. (beta has it) 3175 words. It is a snipit of Matt and Darian. Fits somewhere in LTLTA so I will have to refer to it in some fashion. like "BDSM club" or whatever.
8/21/12 - I wrote 1200 words for the DSP anthology to discover it can't be a "spin-off" or related to any other work. (needs to be stand alone.) BUT, never fear, this beginning of a short about Ellis and Cole will be available at some point. I was just in the mood to write about Ellis. It will either be in a sequel to "My Roommate's a Jock..." or as a free-read on my website at some point. Also today, I'm trying to finish the short BDSM to submit to Keirnan Kelly for the "50 Gays of Shade" anthology. It is due next week. (No problem.
8/20/12 - I am trying to figure out what to do with TCOL. Not hearing from the publisher I submitted to OVER 16 weeks to is just annoying. I need this book published so I can move on to the next one. (self-pub may be a possibility)
8/23/12 - I have a paypal account now! >> [email protected] << SOOOO, if you ever wanted to donate money to my friend 'k', feel free to use it :) Also on other news I'M WRITING!!!!! over 1000 added to the third book in the trilogy. Love, Trust, and Learning to Live Again. (LTLTA) I finished the short BDSM for the anthology 50 Gays of Shade. Going to submit it soon. (beta has it) 3175 words. It is a snipit of Matt and Darian. Fits somewhere in LTLTA so I will have to refer to it in some fashion. like "BDSM club" or whatever.
8/21/12 - I wrote 1200 words for the DSP anthology to discover it can't be a "spin-off" or related to any other work. (needs to be stand alone.) BUT, never fear, this beginning of a short about Ellis and Cole will be available at some point. I was just in the mood to write about Ellis. It will either be in a sequel to "My Roommate's a Jock..." or as a free-read on my website at some point. Also today, I'm trying to finish the short BDSM to submit to Keirnan Kelly for the "50 Gays of Shade" anthology. It is due next week. (No problem.
8/20/12 - I am trying to figure out what to do with TCOL. Not hearing from the publisher I submitted to OVER 16 weeks to is just annoying. I need this book published so I can move on to the next one. (self-pub may be a possibility)